I was researching the topic of maternal anger and came across here, in your publications and also in articles about your book. Here in Brazil, the subject of motherhood is under discussion after a Big Brother participant said, about children: "Things, at Sometimes... Everything is going wrong, Pitel. There are days when you want to kill your children. You want to be arrested. There are days when you look at those children and you say: 'If I lived in a building, I would throw them out the window'. And she was crucified by many and also welcomed. I was thinking about her studies. If this statement is not part of this transition. I don't know. She is a single mother of an 11-year-old boy, autistic, and a 5-year-old girl. On this site It is possible to read the entire dialogue. It is in Portuguese. Use the translator. Thank you. - https://noticiasdatv.uol.com.br/noticia/bbb/fernanda-causa-indignacao-com-fala-sobre-filhos-no-bbb-24-jogava-pela-janela-117037

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This is all so smart, and I'm so excited about the great events you've got coming up--but there's a NEW WILD ROBOT?! I love those books, and my kids and I have often talked about how we wished there was a third. I'm so thrilled to be learning this.

And a little anecdote related to childcare: there's been a lot of talk in my town lately about the number of half days in elementary school (it's so many! I don't know how to balance teacher professional development with the need to actually have kids in school, but it's a ton--maybe 29 over the course of the school year?) and someone on the town's facebook group was like, sorry to be the one to say this, but school isn't childcare. Except, it literally is. It's literally the system we've created for sending kids somewhere so parents can work, and it's unsufficient but it's what we've got! And saying "school isn't daycare" (I'm having pandemic flashbacks) also seems to ripple with a current of shame to working moms.

Sorry for the rant!

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Yes. Yes. Yes.

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heart emoji!

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